Friday, February 14, 2014

Live Welles House Investigation

This weekend, Tim Wood (Lead Investigator/Host of and recent owner of the haunted Welles House in Wilkes Barre, Pa) will be hosting a special 48-hour live investigation of his haunting new abode.

The foreboding home that sits on 46 S. Welles St in Wilkes Barre, Pa  is over 150 years old and has a haunting history of suicide, drug abuse, mental illness, and other forms of human tragedy. Its dark past has led many of its more recent inhabitants to report a plethora of paranormal occurrences throughout the home, which include:

  • Unexplained bangs, and scurrying noises from one end of the house to the other.
  • Unexplained illnesses and depression.
  • Nightly visits from a well-dressed phantom man and the appearance of a ghost of a young girl who walks through doors.
  • Shrieks, moans, and crying that seemed to be coming from the attic and within the house’s walls.
  • Bloody spots appearing on walls and floors in the living room.
  • A daughter being pushed down the stairs only to mysteriously float to the bottom of the landing on her feet unhurt.
  • Unexplained scratches, in groups of threes, would appear on the resident’s bodies.
  • Sounds of boots tramping up and down the floors and in the walls of the house when there was no one on the stairs.
  • The discovery of little tin box behind one of the chimney bricks in the basement, which contained human molars wrapped with chicken bones placed in the shape of a cross.

Sounds like something from the Amityville Horror, right? Well, it just so happens that Ed and Lorraine Warren, the famed paranormal-investigating couple who helped write the book on Amityville, had visited the creepy property in 1980, and told the local Times Leader newspaper, "It's haunted. It's definitely haunted." 

The property has been sold many times over its long history, and was just recently acquired by Wood for his paranormal interests in December of 2013 after the previous owner died. Here's to hoping he opens tours to the public so we can all get a chance to check out this truly terrifying gem one day.

Be sure to catch the live 48-hour long investigation of the Welles House this Saturday starting at 9PM EST at For more information on the house check out

Keep it cryptic,


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