Ghost Adventures is finally back with new episodes! Join Zak, Aaron, and Nick on their investigation of Preston Castle. It looks to be an interesting investigation, given the history of the ill-fated school. Click here to find out more information about Preston Castle, and be sure to check out Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel this Friday @ 9 E/P!
YOU ROCK!!! Finally someone who can relate to me, regarding how Ghost Adventures is arguably the best Paranormal Show out there! I thought you didn't exist and I was the only Ghost Adventure loner out here. I'm so stoked about the new season, I was getting anxious when all I kept seeing was reruns. Thanks for the comment in my Ghost Adventures vs Ghost Hunters article. Follow my blog and I will do the same for yours!
Many thanks,
The Paranormal Inquirer
YOU ROCK!!! Finally someone can agree with me that Ghost Adventures is arguably the best paranormal show out there. I thought I was the only Ghost Adventure loner out here! I'm so excited about the new season, I was beginning to get a little anxious everytime I had to sit through another rerun. Thanks for the comment in my Ghost Adventures vs Ghost Hunters article. Follow my blog and I will do the same.
Many thanks,
The Paranormal Inquirer
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