The Ghost Adventures Crew returns this week for an epic season premier in the infamous haunted hot-spot, Gettysburg, Pa. I myself had some awesome experiences there, and of course, being the history freak that I am, started to get more and more excited the more I heard about this episode...

Thanks to the awesome people at the Travel Channel, I was treated to a rough-cut pre-showing of the episode before it airs this Friday, and let me tell you, this was by far my favorite investigation to date! There was so much to investigate in Gettysburg that the team had to break the lock down up into 3 different parts: The Soldiers National Museum, The Jennie Wade House, and the Engine House. I don't want to give anything away so you guys will just have to wait to check it out for yourselves.
Don't miss this 3-part lock down season premier event on the Travel Channel this Friday 9 E/P!